Scours cause diarrhea and usually occur in the first month of the lambs life. Adequate intake of colostrum is the best protection against lamb scours. Good sanitation is also very important. Bad farm management leads to a higher risk of lamb scour. Bacterial scours are treated with antibiotics and fluids. Scours can lead to dehydration and pneumonia and if untreated death. Causes of the scour can be viral,parasitic,nutritional or environmental. Scours can be infectious. Too much milk replacer or pelleted feed can cause scours in lambs. Scouring lambs may appear gaunt,depressed with wet rear legs. They will loose condition very quickly. Its best to remove the infected animals from the rest of the flock. Contact your vet when you have an outbreak of scours. They can do fecal analysis to pinpoint the cause. An outbreak can lead to serious loss. Your vet may give fluid via iv drip and prescribe antibiotics. If your lamb has scours try to figure out why so you can try to...
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