Pinkeye Pinkeye in lambs is caused by chlamydia and mycoplasma bacteria. Pinkeye is contagious and infected lambs should be removed from the flock until they have recovered. The infection may last a few days to several weeks. Moderate to severe infections require antibiotics. Mild infections may clear up by themselves. The first sign of pinkeye infection is the reddening and swelling of the lining of the eye. There will be a discharge with tearing and matted eyes.The eyes will be sensitive to light and will tear up. The lamb may close its eyes when exposed to sunlight.The lamb suffers pain when infected with pinkeye. The eye may cloud over and develop a painful ulcer. The severe infections will cause the eyes to rupture and lead to blindness. It cannot be transferred from lambs to humans. It is transmitted by flies, dust and other nasty things that are living in your lambing shed. The best prevention of pinkeye is good clean husbandry of your stock. G eneral Eye Inf...