This is caused due to a bacterial infection. It may be treated with antibiotic's.
Bacterial Meningitis
Lambs may get this at 2 to 4 weeks of age. Inadequate intake of colostrum makes the lamb more susceptible to this infection. The lamb will hold his head rigidly downward when infected.
Common cause of death in young lambs. Lambs cannot regulate their temperature during the first day and a half of life. Lambs need to be in a clean draft free environment protected by their mother.
Copper Deficiency
The lamb will have difficulty walking and standing.
Enterotoxemia Type C
It is a bacteria found in the soil. You need to vaccinate the ewe against this before lambing. Infection arrives when there is a change in feeding. It causes bleeding in the small intestine of young lambs.
Enterotoxemia Type D
The ewe needs to be vaccinated against this before lambing. Overfeeding of the lamb causes the bacteria that are already present in the lambs gut to suddenly proliferate causing a deadly infection. Lambs one month and older are prone to this disease.
Border Disease Also known as fuzzy lamb syndrome.
This effects new born lambs. Its caused by a virus. They tremble uncontrollably and have a fuzzy coat. There is no treatment.
This is due to an iodine deficiency in the ewe's diet. The lambs thyroid gland swells. The lambs neck will appear larger or it will have a lump on its neck. Lambs born with goiter will be weak, have trouble feeding and will have no wool.
E.Coli Scours
Affects new lambs when the shed is unsanitary. Keep the lambs living area clean. Treatment involves antibiotics and hydration of the lamb. Also known as watery mouth as the sick lambs will salivate excessively and have cold mouths.
Scours Also known as diarrhea
May be due to an infection, stress, overfeeding or a change in diet. Death due to dehydration is a risk with scours. Ensure that your lamb is kept hydrated.Give the lamb liquids with electrolytes.
Spider Syndrome
Causes lambs to have malformed bones.
White Muscle Disease
This is due to the ewe or lamb lacking in vitamin e or selenium at times both. It is treated by injecting the lamb or ewe with vitamin e or selenium or both. It is best to prevent this disease by ensuring that the ewe and lamb have a diet rich in vitamin e and selenium. The lamb may suffer from an arched back tucked in flank and stiff hind legs.
The infected lamb will have laboured breathing and a fever. Good farming practices should prevent this. Lambs usually suffer pneumonia due to inadequate housing or being exposed bad weather conditions. A build up of ammonia in the shed along with dust increases the lambs risk of pneumonia.
Foot Scald
A bacterial infection that causes lameness in lambs. Long wet pastures are more prone to foot scald. Antibiotic spray or foot baths can be used to treat the infection.
A contagious viral infection but there are vaccines. Painful scabs form around the lambs mouth.
This can be fatal for the lamb but treatable if caught on time. Its caused by the overfeeding of grain to young lambs. Acid builds up in the gut and bloodstream. Some signs of it are high fever and diarrhea. Drenching the lamb with water and baking soda is a common treatment.
Sadly this is a fatal disease with no known cure. Effects the lambs central nervous system.
Internal Parasites
Hygienic farming practices will prevent this potentially fatal infection of internal practices. When infected with parasites the lamb will suffer from diarrhea and depression. Their digestive system will be damaged.Treatment involves hydration and access to a heat lamp or warm kitchen fire.
Joint or Navel Ill
This disease is preventable by dipping or spraying the lambs navel with iodine. When infected the lambs navel may be red and swollen. They will have hot, painful joints and suffer from a fever. Penicillin is a known treatment.
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